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reeducacao postural

Postural Reeducation


It consists of effective techniques for the prevention and / or treatment of pain and postural changes addressing the subject as a whole.

Through the interrelations of breathing with the muscles and the human skeleton, our techniques treat the alterations of the human body taking into account the individual needs of each user, since each organism reacts in a different way to the aggressions it suffers.

Suitable for children, adolescents and adults.
At Physiokinesis we offer 2 different techniques for postural re-education:
1. RPG - Global Postural Reeducation
2. Clinical Pilates


R.P.G. is a well known method used in Physiotherapy, created about 25 years ago, and consists of the application of active postures adopted by the patient and simultaneously stretching the most rigid muscle chains in our body. Its aim is to balance the muscle forces that act on our joints and to normalize the functions associated with them.

In this method, active and consecutive postures of static muscles are worked on, with maintenance through dynamic muscles, always in joint decompression and progressive globality. Starting from the consequence to the cause of the problem, trying to find the good morphology and solving the related problems.

The RP sessions They are individual, their duration on average is one hour, comprising two postures:

  • At the beginning of each session, a detailed examination is carried out, assessing the user's static posture, an interrogation and some musculoskeletal tests are also carried out;

  • The two most suitable postures are chosen according to the user's assessment;

  • The frequency of sessions is usually weekly. However, depending on the cases, it can be changed to two or three times a week;

  • The total duration of treatment depends on the pathology.


Pilates consists of a set of low-intensity exercises with few repetitions that allow us to achieve physical and emotional well-being, through 7 principles: concentration, breathing, activation of the center (core), precision, movement control, fluidity and routine.

The exercises strengthen and stretch the body, improve posture and flexibility, help with joint mobility and work on self-control and breathing. In addition to these benefits, they help to improve body awareness. That's why, every day, more people surrender to the Pilates method!

Anyone can practice Pilates, and that's why we see a great diversity of practitioners, from healthy people, to athletes, to people with musculoskeletal problems, to pregnant women, among others.

At Physiokinesis we decided to combine the benefits of Pilates with Physiotherapy! Here, classes will be given by an experienced physiotherapist and in groups of 2 to 3 people or in personalized training. This way your training will be safer and according to your needs.

disfuncao temporomandibular

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ)


ATM is the abbreviation for the term Temporomandibular Joint, that is, the joint between the skull and the mandible. If you put your fingers in front of your ears and open your mouth, you will be able to feel your joints.

People with TMJ dysfunction may have different symptoms, such as fatigue and sensitivity in the masticatory muscles, noises and clicks when opening and closing the mouth, and limited movement. Complaints such as headaches, dizziness, neck pain, ear pain and even tinnitus are also frequent. This variety of symptoms often ends up making diagnosis and treatment difficult.

What is interesting about TMJ is its proximity to the teeth and ears making it possible, for example, that chronic pain in the teeth and ears is coming from a dysfunction of the jaw.

The cause of temporomandibular dysfunction is complex and involves many predisposing factors such as malocclusion, poor posture, trauma, cervical acceleration or deceleration, ligamentous hyperlaxity, emotional stress, parafunctional habits (biting pens/pencils, chewing chewing gum), parafunctions ( bruxism and tightening) among others. The good news is that many of them can be treated by a Physiotherapist.

Through manual therapy maneuvers and specific exercises, it is possible to recover symptom-free movement and function of the TMJ, as well as to optimize its relationship with the cervical and posture.

fisioterapia po operatoria

Pre and Postoperative Physiotherapy


Here at Physiokinesis we emphasize the importance of physiotherapy both preoperatively and postoperatively.

After an orthopedic surgery, it is essential to start physiotherapy as early as possible, in order to control the inflammatory response and pain, as well as to restore mobility and muscle strength, so that the user can regain his functional independence.

Although the benefits of postoperative physiotherapy in the process of recovery of strength, movement and functionality of the patient's body are indisputable, experience has shown that in most cases, due importance is not given to carrying out a follow-up prior to surgery, which would significantly contribute to speed up the rehabilitative condition.

Physiotherapy has a fundamental role in the prescription of exercises and in carrying out the most convenient treatments to be observed before the patient enters the operating room, in order to undergo the operation in the best possible conditions of mobility, flexibility, strength and blood circulation. The more prepared the body is, the faster the recovery.

In addition to acting on the patient's physical appearance, preoperative physiotherapy also has an instructive function. It is very important to educate the patient, teaching him how to behave after surgery, so as not to compromise the expected results. We teach ways for the patient, in their own home, to identify warning signs and control the pain and the inflammatory process, and also know how to perform the activities of daily living correctly, such as, for example, taking a shower, dressing and walking with Canadian companies, if necessary.

Through the monitoring of our team, with vast experience in the treatment of patients undergoing orthopedic surgery, it will be possible for the patient to enhance the result of their surgery, whether in our clinic or at home.

dry needling

Dry Needling


Dry Needling, or dry puncture, is recognized as an adjunctive therapeutic procedure within the scope of the physiotherapist's practice. The technique is used to treat musculoskeletal and fascial disorders and connective tissue disorders.

Dry puncture has great potential in the treatment of pain in myofascial syndrome, deactivating muscle trigger points (characterized by a hyper-irritable point, located in a tight band of a muscle, or muscle fascia, associated with local and / or referred pain) . The diagnosis of myofascial pain syndrome is purely clinical, based on a detailed history, complete physical examination performed by muscle palpation of the trigger points, and observation of motor function.

The dry puncture is done through the penetration of an acupuncture needle, performed without the introduction of any medication (hence its name), and its principle is the mechanical stimulation of the trigger points that are located in the skeletal muscles. The insertion of the needle is intended to undo the nodule, through a spinal reflex that generates a sudden and involuntary contraction of the affected muscle fibers and causes them to relax immediately afterwards.

Dry Needling is a procedure characterized as minimally invasive, in which an acupuncture needle is inserted directly into a muscle trigger point. The technique is commonly confused with traditional Chinese acupuncture. Although an acupuncture needle is used, the therapy is based on the traditional reasoning of Western medicine, based on different neurophysiological principles.

The puncture is typically followed by stretching exercises or ergonomic adjustments through some exercises, in order to reestablish the movement completely and painlessly, thus avoiding recurrences.


Electromyographic Biofeedback (BEMG)


The analysis of movement through Electromyographic Biofeedback (BEMG) allows the re-education of movement patterns and altered activation times through the monitoring and quantification of muscle activity.

The visual and auditory stimulation of BEMG allows greater motivation and more active participation on the part of the patient, with consequent success of the intervention and ease in maintaining objective results. It is a method of evaluation, prevention and treatment with application in the musculoskeletal, urogynecological and neurological areas. In the musculoskeletal area, it has excellent results in shoulder pathology, such as in subacromial conflict, and in the knee.

Therapeutic  Massage

Massagem Terapêutica

Massage therapy is indicated for the relief of muscle pain, contractures and muscle spasms, promoting tissue relaxation and relieving muscle tension. Massage improves blood circulation, reduces muscle fatigue, providing a sense of well-being, reducing stress and improving sleep quality.

Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy

Terapia Manipulativa Osteopática

It is a set of therapeutic techniques used to identify, treat and/or prevent tissue mobility dysfunctions. The patient is evaluated as a whole, taking into account signs and symptoms, movement dysfunctions and structural tissue alterations (joints, muscles, fascia, ligaments, capsules, nervous, vascular and lymphatic tissue and viscera). The treatment consists of manual techniques that affect the tissues and aims to restore mobility and balance the musculoskeletal, visceral and sacrocranial systems.

One of the techniques used in manipulative therapy is the manipulation (thrust) of the musculoskeletal system, where a short and rapid impulse is made, which can cause a click in the joint. The aim is to recover joint mobility, release adhesions and normalise muscle and vascular tone of the segment. Other techniques may also be performed according to the clinical condition and the health professional's assessment, such as myofascial, visceral and cranial techniques. 

Osteopathy techniques are indicated in the following dysfunctions:

  • Osteo-articular: cervical, dorsal, lumbar pain, torticollis and cervico-brachialgia;

  • Cranial: ringing in the ears, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) and headaches

  • Visceral: constipation, gastritis, gastro-oesophageal reflux, hiatus hernia, menstrual disorders.


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